卫生经济学,劳动经济学,应用微观计量经济学 工作及教育经历: 2020.05— 999策略手机论坛网址数量经济研究中心 研究员 2020.04— 999策略手机论坛网址百富策略网站论坛官网 教授 2013.10—2020.04 澳大利亚悉尼科技大学卫生经济学研究与评估中心 研究员 2009.07—2013.08 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学百富策略网站论坛官网经济学专业 获“经济 学”博士学位 2006.09—2008.06 999策略手机论坛网址百富策略网站论坛官网数量经济学专业 获“经济学”硕士学位 2003.09—2005.07 999策略手机论坛网址公共外语教育学院商务英语专业(双学位) 获“文学”学士学位 2002.09—2006.07 999策略手机论坛网址百富策略网站论坛官网财务管理专业 获“管理学”学士学位 主要研究成果: [1] Mu, C. and J. Hall. (2020) “What explains the regional variation in the use of general practitioners in Australia?” BMC Health Services Research 20(1): 325. [2] Mu, C., De Abreu Lourenco, R., van Gool, K. and Hall, J. (2018) “Is Low Priced Primary Care Bad for Quality? Evidence from Australian General Practice,” Applied Economics, 50(5), 475-491. [3] Johar, M., Mu, C., Van Gool, K. and Wong, C.Y. (2017) “Bleeding Hearts, Profiteers, or Both: Specialist Physician Fees in an Unregulated Market,” Health Economics, 26(4), 528-535. [4] Mu, C. (2015) “The Age Profile of the Location Decisions of General Practitioners in Australia,” Social Science and Medicine, 142, 183–193. [5] Mu, C., Kecmanovic, M. and Hall, J. (2015) “Does Living Alone Confer a Higher Risk of Hospitalisation?” Economic Record, 91, 124–138. [6] 陈守东, 马辉, 穆春舟, “中国金融风险预警的MS—VAR模型与区制状态研究”,999策略手机论坛网址社会科学学报, 2009, 49(1): 110-119 [7] 李志刚, 迟宪良, 穆春舟,“中小企业融资效率实证分析”,工业技术经济, 2008, 27(9): 64-66 [8] 刘志强, 穆春舟, 刘芳,” 中小企业板上市公司分类评价”,工业技术经济, 2006 , 25(10): 131-138 [9] 穆春舟,“论国有商业银行上市的困境与出路”,工业技术经济,2005, 24(2): 126-127 承担的主要课题: [1] “Hospital Costs Analysis for the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority: A Multilevel Modelling Approach”, with van Gool, K. and Longden, T., funded by Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Australia, 2018 [2] “Harvard University international health care costs study”, with Hall, J., van Gool, K., Abiona, O., Yu, S., Longden, T., and Kenny, P., funded by Harvard University and OECD, 2018 [3] “Living alone and hospitalisation: Does it differ by different types of hospitalisations?” UTS Business Research Grants, University of Technology Sydney, 2016 [4] “Association of literacy and numeracy with adult health and socioeconomic outcomes”, with Cronin, P. and Reeve, R., UTS Business Research Grants, University of Technology Sydney, 2015 [5] “Consultancy on the Health Care Pathways, Provider Payment and Associated Costs of Patients with Diabetes”, with Wong, C.Y., Hall, J. and van Gool, K., funded by Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing (Australia) and OECD, 2015